This is a one-time, 3-step process. Once the website is integrated, you can add any number of ad slots at any point in time. For adding each website, redo the same process. There is no limit to the number of websites that you may add.
It is not mandatory to complete the entire process in one go. All the information that you enter gets saved when you move to the next step.
To start the integration process, please log into your account and click on the ‘Add Platform’ tab on the left Navigation Bar.
Step 1 – Basics
Enter the basic identification information about your website.
- Account Type: Select 'Websites' (currently only available for web)
- Site name: Enter the name of the site.
- Site address: Add the web address of the site here.
- Trusted Sites: Enter the staging environment before you make your website live.
- Site category: Select the best option from the dropdown list. For POC we have 3 options namely EHR (Electronic Health Record), Tele-medicine, and E-prescribing. For Endemic we have Physician networking, Online medical journal, and Online learning portal platforms.
- Market: This is a multi-select drop-down where you can all the markets you want to target. Currently, we support US, India, UK or Global.
- Does your site support header bidding solution? Select the appropriate option. In case of Header bidding, kindly select “Yes”.
Step 2 – Platform integration
This is a crucial step and does require help from your technical development team. Please read the instructions carefully and proceed further.
- Use Share with Developer, to add your developer to the team.
- Code injection: You need to add the platform integration code generated in the box between the <head> and </head> on your page. If you add the code outside of this, the ads may not appear properly, and you will lose potential revenue.
- For Header bidding:
- Integrate the Doceree header script in the head tag.
<script src=''></script>
- Integrate the Doceree header script in the head tag.
Step 3 – Header bidding Integration
If you are integrating only header bidder in this last step the publisher needs to integrate the Prebid.js adapter with Doceree using the below-mentioned steps:
- Use Share with Developer, to add your developer to the team.
- Add doceree as a bidder in Prebid.js.
- Add audience identification parameters in the bidder config.
- After user login, provide the userinfo into setconfig method of prebidjs. Once you’ve made the changes, this is how your config file should appear.
The below steps will help us identify the audience in the Header bidding case.
Fields required to be passed:
bidders: ['doceree'],
config: {
doceree: {
context: {
data: {
user: {
data: {
hashedEmail: "",
hashedNPI: "",
hashedGMC: "",
specialization: "",
platformUid: getPlatformUid()
- The hashed values of Email, NPI, GMC should be passed using the SHA256 digest. Hash functions are case sensitive so make sure to hash the email in small letters.
- Specialization have to be passed for the physician logged in to your platform.
- The platformUid will help Doceree to find the user using third-party libraries. getPlatformUid(): This function is exposed from render- header.js integrated in step 2.
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